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A producer led company creating adventurous art by connecting old worlds with new worlds

Our Team


Emma Pu

Executive Producer


As a member of the new generation of Chinese producers, Pu Yurong has been committed to exploringinternational artistic cooperation, encouraging her peers to explore their talent and showcase Chineseartists on international stages. She moved to the UK atthe age of 15 and graduated from KCL with a MScof Management and Finance. After spending 7 years studying in the UK her interest in culturalintegration grew and gave rise to various initiatives: After returning to China, she founded theCambridge YouthSummer Camp, which is a cultural exchange opportunity that has been running for sixyears and brings advanced Western education concepts to young talents in the East. Building on this, she now brings her knowledge and experience to the field of the arts and has theopportunity to collaborate with artists in both countries.


In 2020 she founded Dandan Culture with theaspiration to become a bridge between China and the rest of the world, to encourage collaboration andto establish a network of artists, presenters and collaborators in order to elevate the profile of Chineseartists internationally and to bring new international artists and creatives to China. With a unique set ofskills and network, Pu Yurong and Dandan Culture are aiming to be part of a new wave of culturalleaders in the China and Internationally.

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